Rejected? Misunderstood? Get Used to It!


Jesus was rejected (Isaiah 53:3) and hated (John 15:18-25).

Jesus was misunderstood –even by some of his closest friends (Luke 22:36-38).

Jesus made enemies especially among his fellow religious leaders (Matthew 26:3-4).

Yet, strangely, we think that rejection is a bad thing. We think that we are supposed to get along with everyone and not step on anyone’s toes. We assume that God’s call to love others means tolerance and not offending people.

  • Jesus loved the Pharisees so much that He called them “snakes”, “blind guides” (Matthew 23) and “children of the devil” (John 8).
  • Jesus loved the church of His day enough that He ransacked it (Matthew 21:12).
  • Jesus loved his followers so much that He asked them to make tough sacrifices that caused them to leave (Matthew 8:18-22; 19:21) and asked them blunt, pointed questions which might have made the walls go up (John 4).
  • Jesus loved the Jews enough not to avoid confrontation (too many times to give references for).

I’ve been frustrated when people have stereotyped me as legalistic because of my lifestyle choices without actually getting to know my heart; I’ve been hurt when I’ve been trying to be a friend, but the other puts up walls before getting to know me, extremely misinterpreting everything I say as judgmental. (NOTE: I’ve definitely been on the other side too when I have been over-sensitive or put up walls with without giving people a chance.)

Frequently, I haven’t said anything when I uncomfortable in a conversation because I was afraid of rejection.

Yet, that’s just part of life on this earth.

In fact, that should be expected and even rejoiced in.

I find what Paul says in 1 Corinthians 4:3-5, both confusing and comforting: “It is of little importance to me that I should be evaluated by you or by any human court. In fact, I don’t even evaluate myself.  For I am not conscious of anything against myself, but I am not justified by this. The One who evaluates me is the Lord.”

(…) The point is that God’s opinion is the one that ultimately matters. He is our judge. The Judge of the Heart.

Friendship with the all-powerful God? or friendship with fickle humanity? You decide.’

source: Tabitha Driver (ultimatemetaphor).

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