Sinner’s Prayer

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”
– John 3:16 (NKJV, emphasise mine)

Will you come to Jesus Christ today?

Source: Simona Gatto, John 3:16

“Heavenly Father, thank you for sending your Son Jesus Christ. I am fully responsible for my own personal sins but still He became my ransom to undo the ultimate punishment for our sins: death in the lake of fire.
I did not deserve this gift.

Now the devil has no right to accuse me at your court anymore, for I trust
in the sacrifice of Jesus, on the cross, that bought me from the devil’s death grip. The greatest thanks to You. I put my trust in Jesus Christ. He is my Lord and Saviour from this point on. Now I am hoping in the resurrection life, that after my mortal body has died, I can receive eternal life as Your gift, in an immortal body, on this Earth, renewed as before the fall.”

Picture source: unknown

You must endure in the faith until the end, to show that you truly love God and trust in the ransom, so that you can live in relationship with Him forever. Read the Bible. I would be glad to help you to have fellowship with other Christians; so please send me a message if you have prayed the prayer mentioned above. 🙂

This is how I perceive “enduring till the end” (simplified):

Pictures: copyright crosstheology. You are allowed to copy this scheme, if my name and a hyperlink to this website are included. You are not allowed to adjust this scheme.

Be sure to check out the references in the bible:

Additional information on the Conditional Security which we have in Christ:

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