The Trinity – Omniscience

OMNISCIENCE, or a knowledge of all that is knowable, is a natural attribute of the Godhead: “His understanding is infinite (or beyond measure),” said the Psalmist (147:5). “There is no searching of His understanding,” wrote Isaiah (40:28, ASV). Job was told of the God who is “perfect in knowledge” by his advisers (37:16). The Apostle Paul extolled the greatness of God: “Oh, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God!” (Ro. 11:33). John wrote that “God is greater than our heart, and knows all things” (I 3:20), with the idea that no objects of knowledge are withheld from God. “All things are open and laid bare to the eyes of Him with whom we have to do” (He. 4:13). The Lord Jesus had said that the Father “sees in secret” (Mt. 6:6). (…)

The extent of God’s knowledge can only be learned from a painstaking reading of the Bible. The Berean Christians thus examined the teachings of the Apostle Paul (Acts 17:11). “Theology has much to unlearn before it will be either reasonable or Biblical,” said one. (…)

God has absolute, perfect knowledge of all that is taking place at the present time in the entire universe, extending to men’s thoughts as well as actions, the disposition of every particle of matter, the action of every force, and the like: I Kgs. 8:39; Prov. 15:3; Jer. 32:19; Eze. 11:5; Mt. 12:36-37; Jn. 2:24; Acts 1:24; He. 4:13.

Each Member of the Godhead is pictured as continually active in searching, investigating, or examining men’s innermost beings (using the same verb in present tenses): Ro. 8:27 (the Father); Re. 2:23 (the Lord Jesus); I Co. 2:10 (the Holy Spirit).’

Source: Gordon Olson, The Truth Shall Make You Free, The Truth About The Nature and Character of God, p 24 (Illinois, Bible Research Fellowship Inc., 1980)

Check also the explanation of “Omniscience” in a shortened interview by William Craig (click here).

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